Holland House School

Holland House School


Choosing the right school for your child can be a stressful process, the responsibility of “getting it right” weighing heavily on the minds of many families. Thus, on behalf of the pupils, staff and Governors, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website and to give some insight into life at Holland House.

We are a small, Independent school with huge character! Holland House pupils are characterized by their enthusiasm, vitality, confidence & polite-respectfulness. They are articulate, bright and show a keen interest in the world around them. The well-being of our pupils is at the heart of everything do; our ethos is to develop happy, confident children who value their education and take pride and responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. Through the “4 Pillars of Holland House” which are the moral, intellectual, civic and performance virtues, our dedicated teachers strive to develop every aspect of the child, encouraging both leadership and teamwork whilst giving all children the confidence to speak up and articulate their views. We encourage a growth mindset across the school where children learn to embrace challenge and understand that making mistakes is a vital part of the learning process and nothing of which to be ashamed.

We are a selective school and very proud of the academic achievement of our pupils; our results at 11+ speak for themselves. Maths and English are prioritised as we firmly believe that these form the foundation for the rest of the curriculum: History, geography, science … none of these subjects are accessible without a solid grounding in the key areas of English and Maths. We have a rich and stimulating curriculum, with art, drama, music, dance, French, PE and IT all taught by specialist teachers.

When you visit us, you are just as likely to see calm classrooms where children are studiously getting on with their work as you are to find passionate debating and avid discussions.  As you walk around the site, you may well hear the laughter of children delighting in their studies or enjoying the company of their friends; your ears may pick-up the notes of a heartfelt melody from one of our many pupil musicians or perhaps the clicking of tap shoes from the hall! You’ll see fabulous pieces of student artwork that decorate our corridors alongside beautiful examples of handwriting, gripping compositions and eye-catching project work. You’ll notice that our site is compact and that we do not have our own playing fields. However, please do not let this fool you into thinking that sport is not an important part of our curriculum! Under the guidance of our specialist PE staff, Holland House has outstanding swimming, cross-country, triathlon, netball and football teams. We take part in several sporting tournaments on local, regional and national levels and we are very proud of our sporting prowess.

We very much look forward to meeting you soon.

My warmest regards,

Mrs E. Brown

Headmistress of Holland House School