Holland House School

Holland House School

School Day

Our school day is designed so that children have maximum opportunities to explore, discover and be challenged in academic pursuit, as well as during their co-curricular experiences, extra-curricular activities and play times.

We also offer excellent before and after school-care provision as we appreciate this is helpful for many parents.


Time Timetable
07:30                           Breakfast Club opens  
08:15 Gate opens
08:30 Bell goes
08:45 Assembly/Form Time
09:15 Morning Session 1
09:45 Morning Session 2
10:15 Break-all year groups. Snacks given to all children
10:45-12:15 Mid-morning lessons
12:15 Lunch Pre-Prep/Break Prep
12:55 Break Pre-Prep/Lunch Prep
13:30-15:30 Afternoon lessons
15:30 End of School Day
15:30 Snacks given to children in After School Clubs
15:45 After School Club Session 1
16:30 After School Club Session 2
17:15 School closes